And show that you care!

Be part of the RE-USABLE Revolution

by putting the FUN in FUNction!

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We are totally sold out of our current ​designs, but would LOVE to make YOU a ​custom design for YOUR special event! ​Please contact us for a design and pricing ​consultation.

Get your custom Hip Hanky

designed here for weddings, ​birthdays, anniversaries and ​more...

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Buy some hankys yo!


The Invasion


Cupcake Cuties


Moustache Mania


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Buy some hankys yo!




Sweet Honeycomb


Triangle Fade


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Ditzy Print 3 Pack


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Geometricity 3 Pack


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Well, I tell you what's up with us! We care about the Earth and finding sustainable ​ways for humans to live in harmony with our environment!

A little back story for ya...

Suzanne “SuzE Q” Pirnat dreamed up Care Ware after becoming acutely aware of ​the devastating footprint humans are leaving on the planet. She looked at all the ​things in her life that she disposed of and began to design sustainable alternatives. ​The first to launch is Hip Hankys, Eco Handkerchief, a tissue alternative. This ​product was inspired years ago through debilitating allergy attacks and now is ​finally coming to fruition! Bringing back the classic place of the handkerchief in ​society, Hip Hanky’s puts a new, fashionable and ecoFUNctional twist to your ​grandparent’s handkerchief. Made locally from 100% recyclable Microfiber and ​printed with an eco sublimation process that only uses 10% of water used in an ​average dying process. Hip Hankys is a leader in harmonious living with our planet.

Giving back: Care Ware donates a percentage of each sale to a non-profit that ​plants trees. So in addition to saving trees with this purchase, you are actually ​reforesting our planet at the same time! Thank you for being part of the solution!

And just so you know, we are continually searching for new innovations to create a ​smaller and smaller footprint, collaborating with likeminded companies to not just ​clean up our beloved Earth, but to green it up!

Green Trees


* 3-6 billion trees are cut down each year

* 35% are used to manufacture paper products

* Trees that are 200 years old are transformed into garbage.

* Deforestation causes 35% of global greenhouse gas emissions

Can you really get present to that? Each year millions of pounds of ​highly toxic chemicals are released into the air and water from ​papermaking plants around the world… Still with me? Even though ​replacing natural forest with tree farms creates a relatively reliable ​source of wood pulp, 90% of the species contained in a natural ​forest are obliterated in the process! In addition, the conversion of ​forests to tree farms leads to a radical loss of freshwater, air ​quality and soil cohesion.

What does all this mean?...

It means we get the opportunity to make choices that can ​drastically shift this path of destruction to a path of rejuvination.

Who says respecting the earth should be boring or plain? Not Care ​Ware! We put the Fun in to FUNction! Though deforestation is a ​serious subject, we understand that life needs to have balance, so ​lighten your load, reduce your footprint and enjoy doing it with a ​Hip Hanky today!

Green Tree

We understand that you want a memorable momento ​for your special event that is eco conscious and a hit ​with your guests. Hip Hankys are the perfect fit of ​fashion and function that your guests will enjoy for ​years to come.

Get your custom Hip Hanky

designed here for weddings, ​birthdays, anniversaries and more...

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